
Explanation of commutator structure and polishing skills

Update:16 Jun 2020

The use of electricity is very extensive in our lives, and as a type of clean energy, many devices need to rely on electricity to provide power. In order to be able to efficiently convert electricity into power, it is necessary in the design process of equipment The setting of the motor. And because of the rigidity of equipment design structure and function, the design of the motor is also very different. As a part of the motor, the commutator is naturally different in design. Next, the editor will briefly introduce the structure of the motor commutator of the forklift.

A simple explanation of the commutator structure
Structurally, the commutator is composed of several contact pieces surrounded by a circle, which are connected to each contact on the rotor.The two electrodes connected on the outside are called brushes, and only two of them are in contact.
The actual DC motor has multiple coils, each coil is connected to a pair of commutator pieces. Some motors do not use permanent magnets, but use electromagnets to generate a stronger magnetic field. If there is no commutator in the motor, then the motor It can only be locked within half a turn, and it can only be used as an electric brake.
When the coil passes the current, it will be rotated by the attraction and repulsion force under the action of the permanent magnet.When the DC motor commutator is turned to balance with the magnet, the originally energized line is more corresponding to the contact piece on the commutator. It is separated from the brush, and the brush is connected to the contact piece corresponding to the set of coils that generate the driving force.In this way, the DC motor rotates.
Nowadays, people encounter various bad phenomena in the environment of life, and they are also aware of the importance of environmental protection. As an energy source that does not generate waste, electricity is also widely used by people. The above is a brief introduction to the structure of the commutator. Through the above knowledge, I believe everyone will also have some understanding of the design of the commutator inside the motor. I hope that the above knowledge can help you.

Explain the grinding skills of motor commutator
In our lives, the power of many equipment is provided by the use of electricity, and in industry, the use of electricity supply equipment is even more extensive. However, electricity is an energy source. If you need to provide electricity, you will need to convert related devices. This device is a motor, and everyone can understand that the use of motors is very extensive. The motor commutator of the motor is often subject to frictional wear during operation, so it needs to be polished after a period of use to ensure the normal operation of the  motor commutator.

When grinding, it is necessary to stick the grinding stone with the adhesive to the bottom of the grinding tool with the handle. When grinding, the speed of the commutator should be about 10m/s. Use both hands to press the sandstone firmly on the commutator. The pressure of the hand should not be too large, and it has been polished until the surface burn marks and channels can not be seen. After the grinding stone is polished, then use a fine-grained emery cloth to surround the wooden block, and polish it again in the same way. The commutator should also use canvas instead of fine emery cloth, and then polish it again. It must be noted: Never use emery cloth to polish the commutator, because emery particles are embedded in the surface of the commutator, which can scratch the surface of the commutator and the brush, so that the surface is formed Fine channel, and affect the formation of oxide film.

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